Monday, November 17, 2008

Terror Australia

(Above: Piccy of a Hollywood Billboard stolen from news limited)

Ok was doing some shopping early today. They where cordoning off large chunks of George St, WTF?

Ok apparently this is a result of tonight's....yeah tonight's we got to go the whole day with the place interrupted...premiere of Baz Luhrman's "Australia" starring Huge Jackoff and Nicole Kidding with American accents. Fuck...I'm sick of the film already and nobody's seen it. Is this going to be another cringe worthy Hollywidised Australian epic which has little or nothing to do with the real country. Probably. Who cares. Eat my Australian anus

They did this a few days back so some twits could march over global warming climate change bla bla. Shouldn't have any trouble organising that black nazi part gay pogo stick and alternative vegetable pornography films festival Anzac in Summer march. Just block George St. off forever.

This is a funny thing to do with toys

I like gives me a few ideas for the future

Today song: Indian Ropeman - Dog in the Piano crazy track that is sampling Jerky Boys

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Death To The Daleks


I'm looking for some inspired words to say but it won't come. I am revisiting my old age before it happens, in the event I can avoid it...(yes?) ...well fuck you
They sentenced me to 20 years of listening to Leonard Cohen records. Colonel Sanders said the potato and gravy tasted like wall paper pastes. You won't get this kind of honesty from Ronald McDonald.

Bonnie Tyler

I love you Bonnie. You are awesome.

She played the cube, campbelltown last week. She still got it.

Here she is on Countdown many moons a-go

Deena Webster - New York Mining Disaster 1941 yes it's that Bee Gees song ha.

In the event of something happening to you...

Best regards