Monday, October 20, 2008

God bless 2GB Guardian of Morality

Lord praise radio 2GB, guardian of our morals for enforcing the point that all sexuality is something we need to feel guilty about and needs to be beaten up til there isn't any more. Special thanks to Chris Smith, Ray Hadley, Luke Boner (yes i know), Philip Clarke and David Oldfield for finding all the peadophiles under the bed (especially on slow news days), and all the outraged geriatic liberal party voters for encouraging them, Hallelujah. Lord praise the Daily Telegraph and A Current Affair while we're at it. Alan Jones declined to participate, maybe citing an incident involving public know...oh

Pass the stemetil

Kinko the Clown by Ogden Edsl

Then insert advertisements for nasal delivery technology.

It is a wish from me that your dandruff clears up...

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